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trial and error 【心理學】嘗試-錯誤,試錯法;反復試驗。

trial balance

That s right ; you sometimes have to resort to trial and error to find the right tradeoff between false positives and useful results 沒錯,有些時候必須借助于反復試驗才能找到偽錯誤和有用的結果之間的平衡點。

A 3 layer - neural network is used as classifier , the number of nodes in hide layer is determined on trial and error 用前向三層神經網絡作為蘋果特征的分類器,結合試驗結果,用試湊法確定了隱含層節點的個數。

It ' s simply trial and error on this one i ' m afraid but a dead central position should give a nice result in most cases 需要不斷的嘗試,但是在眾多的例子中,靜止不動的中間位置可以作為一個很好的計算參照。

This part of the method consists primarily of a large amount of trial and error , until the desired levels for all resources are attained 方法的這一部分主要是大量的試驗和出錯,直到所有資源達到期望水平。

I believe that we really need to try , we need to explore a new direction . it is only through trial and error that we can find a new path 那我們都要去試,去探求一些新的路向,不試又何來有新東西

It ' s very difficult to describe how to move amongst the levels , you really have to learn by doing it , by trial and error 很難描述如何在各個層次間移動,你真的必須親身通過嘗試和犯錯來經歷。

Real time simulation of bending process automatically checks bending feasibility - eliminates trial and error on the shop floor 實時折彎模擬,自動檢查折彎的可行性,消除通常工作間里的錯誤

T as an amateur fish keeper was challenging , but through much trial and error , i finally managed to succeed 一個外行人要開始養魚,可是很大的挑戰,我經過了反覆摸索,最后總算步上軌道。

But i arrived at the chosen numbers of “ spam “ and “ good “ trigrams only by trial and error 但我只是用試錯法( trial and error )才達到了“垃圾郵件”和“合法”三元模型所選定的數目。

If you re like most developers , learning a new technology is an iterative process of trial and error 如果您和多數開發人員一樣,學習一項新技術就是一個不斷嘗試和出錯的反復過程。

One method is scanning , and trial and error : continuously experimenting until a viable solution is found 一個方法是掃描和嘗試:不斷嘗試,直到找到一個可行的解決辦法。

We sometimes fail . just learn from it by trial and error which is better than not to have tried at all 我們有時會嘗到失敗滋味,從不停嘗試中學習,比試也不試要好。

I lost the instruction book and so i had to find out how to use the machine by trial and error 我把說明書丟失了,結果只得通過不斷摸索才弄懂怎樣使用這部機器。

This method often drastically cuts down the time i need to spend on trial and error to learn by myself 這就避免了自己學習,不斷反復摸索而浪費時間。

In general , the design procedure is not straightforward and will require trial and error 一般來說,設計過程不是一帆風順的,而需要反復的試驗。

Trial and error , and a good feel for the problem , are the best ways around this issue 嘗試、出錯,以及深入的思考是解決這個問題的最佳途徑。

User interface development involves a lot of prototyping and trial and error 用戶界面開發涉及到許多原型設計的工作以及實驗和錯誤的過程。

In a similar manner , all species upon earth are ascending through trial and error 以類似方式,地球上的所有物種也正在透過試錯法而提升。

Life is full of trial and error . one failure doesnt mean you are out of the picture 人生充滿了嘗試與錯誤。一次失敗不代表你就出局了。